"Baliwood Land Development is an ongoing World Film Village Development (Pioneer) in Bali, based on Nature, Culture, Local Wisdom, Digital Innovation and Creative Community Empowerment. Continuously has multi zones integration development, those are:
World tourism thematic zones, or "Universal Village Studio" (Eco Film Adventures Park, managed by the villagers as filmmakers), Global community-scale production zones /creative space estate,or "Universal Village Production"(digital media, content creators worldwide), the world friendships zones, or "Universal Village Theaters" (Baliwood cross cultural programs) and International education zones, or "Universal Village Campus" (cultural assets for film production assets study). Also, Baliwood Land develop its global ecosystem through several initiations of its international events and world community production through global collaboration " |
"Baliwood Land adalah multizona Pengembangan Desa Film bertaraf Internasional (pionir) yang sedang berjalan, berbasis Alam, Budaya,Kearifan Lokal, Inovasi Digital dan pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kreatif berkesinambungan.
Memiliki pengembangan multizona terintegrasi yakni : World tourism thematic zones, or "Universal Village Studio" (Eco Film Adventures Park, managed by the villagers as filmmakers), Global community-scale production zones /creative space estate,or "Universal Village Production"(digital media, content creators worldwide), the world friendships zones, or "Universal Village Theaters" (Baliwood cross cultural programs) , dan International education zones, or "Universal Village Campus" (cultural assets for film production assets study). Selain itu Baliwood Land membangun ekosistem globalnya melalui sejumlah inisiasi event-event internasionalnya serta world community production melalui kolaborasi global " |
Baliwood Land "Filmmaking for All": #The beauty amazing FILM TOURISM destination# The best COMMUNITY FILM production#The great experiences STUDY in CULTURAL FILMMAKING# The right world CROSS CULTURAL collaboration studio performing place #The FILM VILLAGE EMPOWERMENT top journey BALIWOOD LAND, The integration of a new creative industries in Bali : The World icon Tourism industry, Film and Digital Content industry, and the Global Education industry Local/traditional music study for film scoring lab (soundtrack)
Cottage Film Warga (in Citizen Houses@Village)
Start full operate soon (2020) ,
World Tourists : The beauty amazing FILM TOURISM destination 1)Feel to be starring in your own film journey. Baliwood Land - "Film Expedition Center", the journey to find the Lost Film Temple, 2)Bring home your film trailers from "Baliwood Adventurez Trailers Park". You can choose your film stories : Bali Alien Abduction, Bali Stone Ages, Forest survival Jet Crash , etc. 3)And many different locations to visit. International Students : BALIWOOD LAND INTERNATIONAL CAMP IN CULTURAL ASSETS FILM PRODUCTION STUDY , This is a special program that lets you learn the local culture through film production methods. It covers topics like film wardrobe with local fashion; acting class with local language; filming of Bali’s beautiful panorama; and creation of film properties with traditional crafting, film choreography by a local dance, and film back sound of traditional music. While engaging in these areas, you will a lot about different aspects of Indonesia’s film industry and the integration of culture - including using stock footage of local scenery as background and traditional music as back sound. Of course, there will be opportunities to explore the country’s rich heritage and traditions. Most of all, you will discover stunning natural landscapes, such as volcanoes, jungles, and beaches. Indie Film Productions : Baliwood land the center of global digital media production.Baliwood Land is the largest zones of independent film studio facilities and worldwide community production companies collaboration. We provide ecosystem for communities, global brands, universities, schools,corporations, and delivering digital content, long and short independent films /TV and video ads tailored to marketing campaigns and social media platforms We offer uniqueness , differences, convenience, cost efficiency, and best places. When your film projects needs filming in one of our Baliwood Land area or at any other location around , we get great results by offering end-to-end services, from staying, content production to video distribution. Welcome to Baliwood Land the amazing places your production. Welcome to the Baliwood Land Baliwood Community Development,
filmmaking for All with local Citizens and global students and community talents www.Baliwoodlandcinema.com Our Baliwood Land world icon initiative project to integrate global talents & productions ecosystem in Bali, our world film tourism Village infrastructure as well as the global platform development. www.Baliwoodflix.com , google store : Baliwoodflix |
*Baliwood Land adalah sebuah desa wisata film internasional berbasis budaya bekerjasama dengan pemerintah desa dan konsorsium internasional daripada Baliwood Independen Global Media Sarana, dimana desa pusat Baliwood Land terletak di Desa Abiansemal Dauh Yeuh Cani, Badung.
Baliwood Land merupakan sebuah terobosan baru yang bertujuan untuk menarik para wisatawan asing untuk berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Film Internasional berbasis budaya lokal. Baliwood Land memiliki beberapa Zona, yaitu; • Zona Wisata Dunia • Zona Produksi Global • Zona Persahabatan Dunia • Zona Pusat Studi dunia • Zona Pemberdayaan Warga . Dan hingga Zona Camp Anak Tidak hanya sebagai tempat wisata dunia berbagai wahana film tourism basis kreativitas inovasi elemen alam , budaya dan manusia, juga sebagai pusat belajar dunia aset budaya produksi film ,lokasi kolaborasi seniman sedunia dan tempat produksi film PH skala komunitas, sedunia di ekosistem Baliwood Land, Baliwood Land juga memberikan kesempatan untuk warga terlibat langsung dalam setiap zonanya dengan memberdayakan warga desa. |
* Baliwood Land is an international culture-based film village in collaboration with the local village government and an international consortium “Baliwood Independent Global Media Sarana”, where the center of Baliwood Land is located in Abiansemal Dauh Yeuh Cani Village, Badung, Bali.